We Are Your Seminaries

Are you contemplating a career change to become a pastor or a deaconess? The church needs willing servants to preach the Word and share God’s saving work with His people!
The skills and experiences you gained in a previous vocation can be a significant asset in ministry. Many current LCMS pastors and deaconesses have successfully moved to the seminary and into full-time church work from careers in business, law enforcement, education, military, engineering, medicine, and more.
Church work is sacred, joyful and essential. Pastors proclaim Christ and administer the Sacraments, means through which people receive Christ’s saving work and the Holy Spirit creates saving faith. Church workers, such as deaconesses, support the Office of the Holy Ministry to assist the faithful in their God-given vocations.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) needs more pastors and deaconesses. Hundreds of pastors will be retiring in the next several years, and current replacement rates are falling far short. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:37–38).
If you’d like to learn more about how to become a second-career pastor or deaconess, a representative from our seminaries would be glad to answer your questions and help you on this new career path. Please fill out the form to start the conversation.

“My ‘second career’ switch came as other pastors and leaders in the church were encouraging me to consider going into pastoral ministry. I was already in ministry for about 25 years as a Director of Christian Education (DCE), yet it was time to retool and move in a different direction as God guided me. There is a need for pastors, and others were convinced that I needed to prepare to fill the pulpit of a congregation that was vacant.”
Deon Hull, Master of Divinity Student, Concordia Seminary